30 March 2013

Nails | Give it a Polish and Add a Bit of Shine!

Oh dear, I've become obsessed again.

Apologies for the blog-abandon, this week has been more than a little hectic. I've also been having a little think about the look and style of the place and I think a name change and blog-update are in the pipeline. Oh, and I discovered The Nailasaurus. NEW FAVOURITE BLOG ALERT.

I can't even begin to count the hours I've spent trawling through back-posts on The Nailasaurus this week. Needless to say it's been a fair few. There is just so much bloomin' awesomeness to scroll through!

Anyway, taking some inspiration from this gorgeously edgy post I decided it was high time I shook myself out of my colour-less nail rut and got a bit creative.

I'm fairly certain I picked this nails inc matte polish up at a bargain price a couple of years ago...and judging by the website they don't stock 'Brick Lane' anymore, more's the pity. It's a very dark brown-y plum which is slightly more rich than a matte black and not quite as harsh. After two coats I finished it off with an Orly 'glosser' tip. Simples.

Unfortunately this didn't last long. By the end of the day there were a couple of substantial chips and a smattering of little ones. Wahh. I'm definitely thinking about investing in a matte top coat... Ahh the possibilities!


  1. Ooh I haven't tried Nails Inc polish before, but this looks so lovely! I might have to pick some up :)

    Sophie xo | thatswhatsophiesaid

  2. These look amazing, really need a matte nail polish xo


  3. I love this look. I have a mattifying top coat from Rimmel and use it over EVERYTHING! It's addictive.
    Love your blog by the way - now following on Bloglovin :)


  4. Something so badass about this. Ever heard of a badass manicure?! Haha!

    xo Ashley

  5. This looks so nice be great for a night out! Annoying that it chips though! x


  6. I love this matte look! Gorgeous. Shame it didn't last long!

  7. I'm currently loving all the different types of nail varnish but i think the matte trend it potentially my fav, they look great!


